Archive for August, 2011

Submission August 26, 2011 No Comments

Submission is a very loaded word that has been very problematic in the world and in the church. The easy solution would be to abandon the word, all of its definitions, and its application. The truth is that submission is a Biblical concept and reality that must be embraced for a full and healthy life […]

Vision August 19, 2011 No Comments

In many ways I consider myself to be a visionary, but there are also ways in which I do not think that I am much of a visionary. I think about vision a lot, especially when I have been at a leadership conference like the one I was at recently. There is plenty of mandate […]

Unity August 5, 2011 No Comments

The Bible is filled with references to unity with some amazing passages and imagery about the unity of believers and the unity of the church. It seems that unity is very hard to find in the American church today, whether in general, within a denomination, or even within a local church body. There is not […]