Bad Theology March 12, 2011

Its a lot easier to have bad theology than it is to have good theology. This of course assumes that we all know and agree on what is good theology and what is bad theology. I often want to say that theology is underdeveloped or immature rather than bad. I would not go as far to say that it is all relative, because it is not, but I can safely say that I know bad theology when I see it.


The easiest place to find bad theology (especially in Colorado Springs) is on bumper stickers, liscence plates and t-shirts. These short sayings are often offensive, exclusive and combative. Additionally, they often espouse a bad theology and generally give an impression of arrogance or self-righteousness. They tend to depict an angry and judgmental God. I am sure people mean well and we all need to express our faith more, but it should be done in relationship, not in a combative and consumeristic fashion. We are not our own separate culture or subculture…we are in the world and a part of this kingdom that God is working in, around and through.


Today I saw a license plate and plate frame that send this message:

Life’s Goal is to


Jesus Lives


I am sure they mean well, but the goal of life is not to please God…besides being a works based theology, it neglects the reality that God is pleased and we are here to worship and engage with His kingdom.


Go forth and do theology as well as you can, but if it looks good on a bumper sticker, t-shirt, or license plate, its probably not good theology.

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