Comparison October 28, 2011

Someone once told me that ‘comparison is the basis of all unhappiness.’ I hate generalizations and global statements even though I often utilize them in my own life. Since that time, I have looked for exceptions to the rule, and have yet to find any once I really analyze the situation. We are a culture that compares. As I was thinking about this idea one day and doing my devotional, something struck me that I have been pondering since:


Compared to Christ everything is insignificant. Because of Christ, everything can be significant.


In the end, comparison can and should be irrelevant. Compared against or held to the person of Christ, nothing else matters as much, or quite frankly at all. Yet, everything in our lives matters and has meaning and significance. We don’t always see or find that significance or meaning in everything, but God can redeem all things. Everything can be significant because of who Christ is. The true significance of a relationship, an event, a thing is only found by looking at it through the lens of Jesus Christ. When we ask the question, ‘what does my relationship with Jesus say about this?’ we find even greater meaning. There is a dramatic difference between life and abundant life. Our lives are full; but are they busy or are they abundant?


Comparison is the basis of all unhappiness.

There is a difference between simply living and living abundantly.

Compared to Christ, everything is insignificant, because of Christ everything can be significant.




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