Glass: Empty or Full? June 11, 2016

My wife and I often have spirited discussion as to whether or not the other is an optimist or a pessimist in a given moment and in general. The saying goes that the optimists looks at a glass that is 50% full of water and says that the glass is ‘half full.’ The pessimist looks at the glass and says it is ‘half empty.’ I have added to this that the realist sees that there is water in the glass. The realist never really examines the emotion or trajectory of something. The pessimist sees the negative in everything, the downside, the challenges. The optimist sees the good in everything, the upside, the opportunities. I have often wondered which of these three is the one that we as Christians are called to model. About a year ago, it struck me: none of the above. As Christians we do not look at a glass that contains 50% water and observe that the glass has water, or that it is half empty or even than it is half full. As Christians we recognize that the glass is refillable. That is the nature of hope. Regardless of how we look at a given situation, realistically, optimistically or pessimistically, it is ultimately does not matter, because with God there is more.  With God we recognize that the glass is refillable. We can drink it, pour it out, waste it, give it away or whatever other image with can come up with in this analogy. Each has a different benefit, challenge and outcome, but the truth about the glass and the water is unchangeable. The glass is refillable. Do we look at life with hope? Do we look to pour ourselves out and trust God to fill us once again? The gift of God is that there is always more. Perspective mattes, it can dictate our decisions, words, actions and more. When we live in hope, we know that our current circumstances are temporary, can be used for God and that there is hope. The glass is refillable.

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