Its all Greek to me… February 5, 2013

Recently I spent a week in California for a required class for my doctoral degree. The class was Greek exegesis. I had to take the course since I avoided language in my Masters degree work. I have always struggled with languages and that is part of the reason I had avoided this class. The class itself was hard, however I thoroughly enjoyed taking it. It was relevant and practical and it caused me to fall more in love with the scriptures. I am so thankful for the scriptures and knowing how to look at the Greek and use the tools has already been a gift.

One of the passages that was discussed in the class was the Great Commission as we have called it. There are no titles in the Greek, so its our invention. It turns out that the word ‘go’ in the Greek is a passive verb. This, for us in the class caused us to wrestle with this passage. No one asserted that the Great Commissions meaning, value or importance changed, instead we consider the idea that the Great Commission is not about traveling out into the world on mission, rather its about each of us making disciples in our daily lives. As we ‘go’ throughout our day, we are called to find a way to make disciples in all of our conversations, interactions etc. It was an encouraging conversation that has me wrestling and desiring to dive into this passage and others more.

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