Leadership Authenticity April 16, 2013

Below is an interesting quote that I read in a book recently. It speaks to leadership, but it also speaks to a theology of authenticity…


“The more you tell the truth about yourself…the more effective your leadership will become, the more you will develop a true leading character.” Bill Hybels


I love this quote because it is a succinct way to point out that authentic leadership is more effective than inauthentic leadership. Unfortunately, authenticity has become lost in most churches, especially amongst Pastors and staff. Whether rooted in an older theology of not showing yourself to your congregation for fear that it might hurt them or out of a newer fear rooted in the corporate mindset of the church that often uses authenticity against its staff, the inauthentic leader is not an effective one. We look of course to the scripture and Jesus and see the power and value of authenticity, especially from the last supper until his death.

What is most interesting about this quote to me is the way in which Hybels ties authenticity to character (in leadership and in general from the way I read it). I never thought about authenticity in terms of character, which is odd because it makes complete sense. I suppose I had tied authenticity to integrity and of course integrity is intimately related to character.

The issue of authenticity is one that I am passionate about. So much so that I recognize my bias in this area. Authenticity in leadership is certainly a spectrum and I know that I lean towards being too authentic rather than not authentic enough. I have to be careful about my bias, but my general feeling is that authenticity is something that the American church needs to rediscover.

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