Musings on over used christian sayings October 6, 2009

“God does not give you more than you can handle.”  I have heard this 1000 times, and have said it countless other times.  It is not a helpful saying in a moment of pain or crisis, and does not really bring any peace, but it is a reality, especially in hindsight.  It is amazing what we are capable of handling, experiencing, doing, and expressing when we have invited God to the table.  Think back on your own life, what are some things that you have experienced that you are surprised about…I bet you will find some.  Perhaps this is a cheesy Christian saying that is not necessarily completely rooted in scripture, but it does become a reality when we examine the journey of our lives.   Then we face the same battle again, sometimes with confidence, other times saying…why me?  And then we remember (that is re member with God-re unite with God) and all of a sudden, we realize anything and everything is possible.

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