My First Question for God… February 22, 2010

I don’t know about you, but I have questions about God. Better yet, I have questions for God. Then there is the short list of questions…when I come face to face with God, I have this short list. My first question:

Free Will? Are you sure about that? God had a choice, He could give us choice or control us like puppets. I am glad I have choice-most of the time. The consequences that come with choice, however, I could do without those. I think about this often, and the thing that got me thinking about it was the quote I read in my CS Lewis devotion this morning. Its called ‘Second Guessing God’s Wisdom.’ Perhaps I should just shut up now…his answer profound. Its easy for us to come at God instead of seeing ourselves coming from God. It would be easier if the world was a puppet theater (and at times it does look like a puppet theater in church and government) but where would the abundant life be. This has been my biggest question of faith for many years–why free will? Lewis has an answer; I am not sure I like it. I am not sure if the question is still on the short list or not, but when I think of the alternative world; all that I am would be stripped away and for all the pain I have created and bore; it still seems worth it for all of the moments of joy and transformation, the relationships, the call…and the God who started it all.

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