Ripe Time August 19, 2016

Recently, at a seminar, I heard someone use a phrase that I found interesting. “Everyone has a ripe time.” Thinking about the analogy of fruit used frequently in scripture and most notably by Jesus in reference towards discipleship, this phrase is fascinating. I have long thought about the imagery of tree and fruit as I think about discipleship, especially since moving out to the country where we have several fruit trees on our property. Thinking specifically about our cherry trees, when the season is right, we begin picking. We have to pick at least every other day, but could pick every day. Some cherries are ripe at different times. One cherry could be ripe one day, while the one next to it may be ready just a day later, but perhaps even more than a week later. Certainly, as a disciple and as a pastor I want to bear fruit all of the time. That said, there are times where my fruit is more ripe than other times. This does not just apply to my life as a pastor or a disciple. When I think about other areas of my life, my physical health, spiritual routine, my parenting skills, there are most certainly seasons of varying degrees of ripeness. Needless to say, its a phrase and analogy I continue to ponder.

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