Sabbath February 4, 2012

Recently I got to hear somebody speak on the topic of Sabbath and rest. It was an interesting session and even as a spiritual director, I learned a couple new things. There is no question that Sabbath is something that we do not do well in our culture, especially in the church. There is actually no evidence that we are any more efficient than cultures who take rest seriously (such as many European countries) and yet we continue to push for efficiency, speed, and for big. Jesus of course was not very efficient, was never hurried and was all about the small. This kind of hypocrisies is ignored in the church and by pastors and leaders; present company included. We cannot forget that Sabbath is one of the Ten Commandments. Its on the list with murder. It’s the longest commandment and the word literally means to cease. I admit that I am not at all good at ceasing in life and even though I enjoy daily solitude, I do not cease well. While I feel guilty and even more tired when I actually stop and enjoy some time to truly cease, I know that it is what I need to do. I turned my phone off for almost a whole day and it was the best thing I could possibly do for myself. Ironically, I was more productive after a day of rest than I ever could have been if I had worked hard all that day. Its just another reminder that these Biblical truths are not just good ideas or suggestions, they are the path to life that is truly abundant. When is the last time that you truly embraced Sabbath and ceased doing so that you could simply be?

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