The Bible… January 27, 2010

I am taking an online course, how to read the Bible. Its an interesting experience. It is at “theological” school that is very diverse in terms of the beliefs of the individual students. Actually, I feel like it is far too liberal for me, but this course has been a shining light in my experience there; primarily due to the professor. The quote above is something I have been thinking about all week. Do we seek to learn from the Bible or learn about it. Do we read it seeking to learn about it, or do we read it, let it read us to be transformed by it. Sometimes in our attempts to understand we really do miss the forest for the trees. The Bible is a dangerous book, and its not just any book. Its God’s story, and it is relevant for all generations. So how are we experiencing it?  Is it a tool for transformation? Is it a weapon? Is it just another book? What do you think and believe about the Bible?

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