The Power of Theology September 24, 2014

I have often said that what we believe shapes everything; our words, actions, perspective, attitude, relationships, work and so much more. I had said this again recently to a friend who pointed out to me that this quick statement was much more truthful and wise than even I had noted. We assume the belief is the only thing (when it is not) or that it is not that important (it is!). The truth is that our beliefs are essential and they should be something that we are willing to examine. So often I meet people with inflexible beliefs, which is dangerous. It assumes that we are completely right (that is reserved for God), that we do not need to learn and that God is no longer speaking. All dangerous and untrue. Our theology matters and we must be open to learning. We cannot simply respond out of the party line of our school of though, theology, denomination, political party etc. We cannot be closed to the idea that God is, can and will continue to speak to each of us. Theology is powerful!

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