The Theology of Change April 24, 2018
I do not know a single person who always loves change of all types. Sure, I say I enjoy change, but the truth is that I really only enjoy change I create, see coming, like, control, or benefit from. Its hard to enjoy change that is unexpected, painful, disrupting and full of conflict. The church, the holders of the theology of Jesus in the world today struggles more so with change than perhaps any institution, organization or group in history. Its ironic, because the nature of life, faith, the world, being a Christian, following Jesus and being a disciple is riddled with constant change.
As followers of Jesus, we are called to become more like Jesus. This is the essence of discipleship. To become more like Jesus, we have to change. To be a church that reaches the world, we must change. Change is not ideal, but it is not optional, especially for Christians and the Christian church. They say the only guarantees in life are death and taxes. I suppose there are probably even people, few of them, who have been able to avoid taxes. I would actually add a third item to that list, change. Change is a guarantee. It is a part of life. It is a part of discipleship.
The hope and prayer I offer is that we can experience, lead and embrace change at a pace that stretches us, but does not break us.
Above all else, we must remember who is in charge and we must look to the one that never changes, God.
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