The Trinity October 18, 2012

One of my professors from my undergraduate program wrote this on the trinity: “We have no realities within creation that can describe such a mysterious communion.” Chris Hall was absolutely correct in this succinct and powerful statement. Its in our human nature to want to understand. The scientific revolution has created an expectation in us that we must be able to explain and comprehend all things. I like many others have fallen into this temptation when it comes to God. If I reflect I realize that if all things about God were explainable and understandable, then at least two things would result: God is not that big and powerful after all, I am on the same level as God. Both of these notions are more than frightening to me, yet neither of them has prevented the temptation to try to understand, explain and know all things about. Seeking God, both to know and understand God is natural. We were created to seek God. Mystery is a reality of faith, especially when we are thinking about the trinity. I sincerely love the mystery that comes with the triune God, even though there are moments where it creates a discomfort in me that would indicate otherwise. If God were limited to the realities of this world, then the world as it has been, is and will be would be all there is to life. I am thankful that is not the case and I am thankful for a big, powerful, loving and deeply mysterious triune God.



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