Theological Reflections on the Same-Sex Marriage Debate: Volume 4 May 23, 2015

I have decided to do some theological writing and reflecting on the same-sex marriage debate. While I cannot decide if this is a brave, stupid, unnecessary or necessary decision, there is no question that in the Christian church in the United States today, this is the most divisive and painful issue we face. I have seen families, churches, denominations, friendships and more torn apart as a result of this debate.


When I am honest about the core feeling behind this issue, regardless of what your belief about the issue is, the core feeling is fear. Both the right side and the left side of the issue (and everything in between) struggle with fear. Legitimately and illegitimately so.


For those on the right side of the issue, the fear is a loss of control, loss of values and more. To be entirely honest those on the right side of the issue fear what they do not understand. They fear that a view that they do not agree with will be forced up on them. While this is a normal feeling, fear does not help us find resolution or unity.

For those on the left side of the issue, the fear is one of rejection, inequality, value and more. To be honest, those on the left side of the issue fear that they will be denied rights for being different. This is a legitimate fear, but when fear becomes the driving force of our life, we are not able to fully live.


A life lived in fear is no life at all. Fear gets us nowhere.

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