Transformation is going beyond February 18, 2010

There always seems to be one more piece to the puzzle and often pieces that we just cannot find a place for. Even when the puzzle is finished, we do not always feel as though we are finished; there are more puzzles to wrestle with, to solve, to experience. This quote by Rohr is the very definition of discipleship, of transformation. Our faith is a journey, until we arrive in Glory, we never arrive. It is usually when we get comfortable that the challenges come. The devil always finds the most opportune time. We may feel full at times, but we are always hungary. We stop growing in our faith the moment we stop embracing and working through the challenge. Sometimes it would be nice to have a break, but true followers of that radical man from Nazareth know that there is always more. The scriptures provide constant evidence and story to that effect. The disciples never completely got it and nor will we. Perhaps that is part of what Jesus was talking about in John when he offered the promise of full and abundant life.

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