The Kingdom January 6, 2016

Jesus spoke about the Kingdom of God more than any other topic. Over time I have found myself focusing on this fact and this phrase as a follower of Jesus, husband, father, pastor ect. If it was that significant in Jesus words, it should certainly be significant for us. Yet, the concept of the Kingdom is not concrete. Its not entirely understandable or explainable or even tangible. It is, like many things connected to God, filled with mystery.  Yet, I believe we are all called to pursue living out and brining about the Kingdom of God. As I have sought the Kingdom of God, I have noticed that, for me, the three most significant ways it has been borne out and found are in dialogue, relationship and story.

The Kingdom of God unfolds in dialogue. Dialogue with one another, dialogue in community, dialogue with Scripture and most of all dialogue with God. Some of the most powerful moments I have experienced have been simple conversations. It has often taken a willingness to listen and to be looking for what the Holy Spirit might be doing, but dialogue is one way I have learned about, found and experienced a small piece of what Jesus is talking about when he talks about the Kingdom of God.

The Kingdom of God is also found in relationship. We were created to be in relationship; with God, with one another and with the world. Relationships are the greatest gift we are given outside of the triune God. It is in my relationships that God has blessed me, challenged me, spoken to me and cared for me in the most profound, powerful and often unexpected ways. The intentional and unintentional as well as the casual and deep relationships I have experienced have been great teachers and indicators of the value, meaning, depth and power of the Kingdom of God. The truth is, I know that I have at best only scratched the surface.

The Kingdom of God is also found in story. Jesus used story to teach, minister and express the values of the Kingdom. The Kingdom of God is not only found in the stories of Jesus and the Bible, but also our stories, the stories of others, the stories unfolding now, the stories of history, the stories of the future. We can catch glimpses of the Kingdom in stories and not just stories of faith. Secular movies, music and other art forms can and have communicated deep truths about the Kingdom of God.

Pursuing the Kingdom of God is an interesting adventure. It is filled with mystery, joy and surprises. It is a journey of learning, humility and meaning. It is the think that Jesus spoke the most about, so outside of Christ himself, I believe the Kingdom of God is the thing that we must pursue with the most passion, energy and vigor.

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