Theological Reflections on the Same-Sex Marriage Debate: Volume 7 June 21, 2015
As I think about this issue and the divide amongst people, particularly in and from the church, I believe there are five core issues that dictate where we fundamentally agree and disagree on this issue. These five core issues, in no particular order are:
-The Value of scripture: How we look at and value Scripture is a big factor in how we look at this issue. The higher and more literal a value someone places on scripture, the more inflexible they are on the issue, with the other end of the spectrum (low and non-literal view) seeing no role for the Scripture in speaking to this issue specifically.
-The Nature of sin: there is a lot of debate on what is sin, and what is not sin, especially as it relates to this issue. The core problem in my mind, however, is that many like to point out the sin of others while ignoring their own sin. Regardless of what view one holds of scripture, its clear that the Bible sees all sin as equal. Is the homosexual nature sinful, or is it just the action? Is it both? Is it neither?
-The Relationship of Church and culture: there are many views on the role and relationship between the church and culture. There has been much written on this issue as well. Does one support the separation of church and state? Should morality be legislated? Should the church decide what the government should do, vice versa or neither? The problem here is that Christians are often selective and inconsistent in which approach they would like to apply.
-Value of People: How do we value people? Are we broken mistakes that need to be fixed, or imperfect, but beautiful, unique people created in the image of God? How we view humanity as a whole has a significant impact on how we view this issue.
-Choice or not?: Is homosexuality a choice or not? Nature or nurture? Science, psychology and opinion take all sides on this issue. Is it both (a choice for some and not a choice for others)? How we look at this question also impacts how we view this issue.
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