Theological Reflections on the Same-Sex Marriage Debate: Volume 6 June 13, 2015

A big part of this issue involves the role of the church and the government. I have long been an advocate and supporter of the separation of church and state. I grow very frustrated that many within North American Christianity want to apply this selectively, however. The founding fathers were smart and were correct about this issue. Beyond that, almost every historical example of the church and state ‘getting in bed together’ has ended badly; the institutionalization of the church through the government, the crusades, the holocaust, just to name a few. As a pastor and someone who loves the church, I do not want to be forced by the government to do or believe anything that is contrary to my theology or faith as a pastor or a church. I understand, respect and accept the cases around taxes and non-profit status, because the church is asking for a benefit to be tax free so they must honor the rules for that if they want to keep that status. In this sense, I do not support the idea that denominations, churches or pastors should be forced to do something that is against their beliefs and theology regarding marriage by the government. I do not think it will ever come to that, but its worth noting. That said, I do not think we can or should have it both ways. We cannot expect the government to stay out of defining marriage for us, but then force them to accept our definition (heck, we do not even agree on it anyway!). I do not believe in legislating faith. As a follower of Jesus, I should be passionate about human rights and equal rights for all. In that sense, I should support some sort of same-sex marriage by the government. In honesty, I think it would be easier to call it something else, like civil union, but that is not my call. I believe we need to either stay silent about what the government should do on this issue or support the rights of all people, including those of a homosexual orientation. Let the church issue be the church’s issue and decision and let the issue of fairness, rights and equality be an issue of the government and a decision of the government.

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